Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Senseless Spending of A Shopaholic.

It was half past four
And a ring stopped Melanie Moore
While she was but two feet from her door

She had to know, she had to know
So down went the purse, off came the coat
Ring a ring and ring again
Yet instead of answering the call
Melanie Moore stalled and stalled
Waiting to here what the message said

It was half past four
And the caller chose to ignore
The answering machine of Melanie Moore
Who picked up her things and left through the door

A few hours went and Melanie spent
Too much time and money in the store
Which was nothing new for Melanie Moore
Dollar bills would fly, and many swipes of cards were sent
And on went Melanie Moore
As she was not done
She’d just yet begun
Spending the inheritance
Of her first born son

Melanie Moore
Oh Melanie Moore
You shop and shop
Having no reality
That one-day, oh what a pity,
The bottom of your endless crediting
Would certainly drop

But Melanie Moore would not hear
Logical arguments to what she held dear
Store to store went Melanie Moore
And her husband simply shakes his head
Each time he moves boxes away
Simply in order to watch his flat screen display
Freshly to the wall from the store
Bought by,
To no surprise
His loving wife,
The one and only
Miss Melanie Moore

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